Portugal 2020

Project Designation: Productive Innovation - Luís Rodrigues & Teixeira, S.A.

Project Code: 023592

Main Goal: Strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises

Region of Intervention: North

Beneficiary entity: LUÍS RODRIGUES & TEIXEIRA, S.A.

Approval Date: 2017-06-21

Start Date: 2017-03-01

Conclusion Date: 2018-12-31

Total Eligible Cost: 654.470,00 EUR

Financial Support from the European Union: FEDER- 327.235,00 EUR

National/Regional and Public Financial Support: ----

Objectives, activities and expected results achieved:


- Increase in production capacity.


- Software Implementation;

- Acquisition of machinery and equipment

-- Internacional Marketing.

Expected Results:

- Increase gross value added;

- Creation of qualified employment;

- Increase of the turnover.

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